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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Wheels Christie’s World of Automotive Toys


Artikelnummer: wheels-9780811823203 Categorieën: ,


Wheels Christie’s World of Automotive Toys.

The magical world of automotive toys.

Cherished childhood playthings of yesteryear, vintage toy cars are now highly coveted collectibles. Illustrated with over a hundred colorful photographs,Wheels is a delightful history of toy motor vehicles from the 1890s up to the present. Authors Mike and Sue Richardson, both avid collectors, trace the history of these popular toys from early cast-iron models to state-of-the-art vehicles made from modern materials. The renowned Christie’s collection provides wonderful examples of vintage fire trucks, delivery vans, coupes, hot rods, roadsters, and motorcycles manufactured by famous toy makers from around the world, exhibiting the fine craftsmanship and ingenuity of more than a century of toy making. Wheels is a rare treat for anyone who admires vintage toys or spent childhood days happily "driving" toy cars around the neighborhood.

Christie’s, established over 200 years ago, is among the world’s preeminent auction houses for fine art and collectibles. The Christie’s collection of automotive toys is recognized internationally.

Engels, softcover, 1998, 192 pagina’s, Mike and Sue Richardson.

ISBN-10; 0811823202.

ISBN 9780811823203.

Extra informatie

Afmetingen 26 × 26 × 1,8 cm