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Frenky Autodokumentatie

VW Camper Interiors


Artikelnummer: vw-camper-9781847970701 Categorie:


VW Camper Inspirational Interiors.

Bespoke and custom interior designs.

One of the main attractions of the VW Bus, apart from its iconic looks and rugged reliability, is the way owners take the bus to heart and into their family, and set about personalizing them through both exterior and interior design and styling. Over the years most campers have seen extensive use and, unless you are lucky to find a complete original-condition camper, then some work will need to be done to bring the interior to the standard you want.

Designing and building [or commissioning] an interior that will service your own needs is a daunting yet exciting task, and within these pages you will find many different sorts of interior to admire and inspire. Some have been built on a budget from scratch by the owner, some have been adapted and revamped, others are bespoke one-offs, built to the owner’s designs. Some recreate period styling with a contemporary twist; others bring in completely modern designs using new materials and shapes. Whatever your taste in camper design, there will be something to amaze and inspire in the pages of VW Camper: Inspirational Interiors.

Engels, hardcover, 224 pagina’s, 2013, kleuren fotografie ongeveer 400 foto’s.

ISBN 9781847970701.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5000 kg
Afmetingen 27,00 × 22,00 × 2,50 cm