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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

TVR Performance Portfolio 2000-2005


Artikelnummer: tvr-performance-portfolio-9781855207172 Categorie:


TVR performance portfolio, 2000-2005.

TVR sports cars could really only be English. In so many ways they epitomize what sports cars ought to be in this day and age – very fast, exotically styled, loud and politically incorrect. That was all part of the allure of this quixotic range of English cars. Where other makers of sports cars have sourced componentry from all over the world, TVR has determinedly set about making as much of their cars in-house as possible. The arrival of the recent Tuscan, Cerbera, Sagaris, Typhon and Tamora has seen the company phase out the venerable Rover alloy V8 in favor of its own DOHC in-line 3.6-litre 350 bhp six-cylinder engine that drives the rear wheels through a TVR-made manual gearbox. To say that the road performance of these sports cars is exhilarating would be some kind of enormous understatement. They are electrifyingly fast to drive! All TVRs run to top speeds of over 150 mph and will run the classic 0-60 mph sprint in 5 seconds or less. These are supercar performance figures. They are dynamic sports cars that are designed for extroverts who not only want to be noticed but really enjoy the thrill of driving on the edge whenever the opportunity presents itself, and who enjoy the camaraderie of belonging to a car club where their interests are shared.

Verzameling van artikelen uit de Engelstalige autobladen door de jaren heen, zwart-wit en kleuren fotografie.

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat.

Engels, paperback, 2006, 128 pagina’s. Brooklands Books.

ISBN10: 1855207176.
ISBN13: 9781855207172.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,8000 kg
Afmetingen 27,00 × 20,00 × 1 cm