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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

TVR an Illustrated History


Artikelnummer: tvr-an-illustrated-history-9781844252350 Categorie:


TVR an Illustrated History.

A complete photographic record of all the cars produced by Blackpool-based TVR, from the earliest ‘specials’ built in the early 1950s by founder Trevor Wilkinson, to the latest muscular supercars evolving under the new Russian ownership. TVRs have always stood out from the crowd, both for their often controversial styling and for their sheer innovation, and few people would dispute that a TVR has presence. Here, the rollercoaster history of TVR is told through photographs, including many taken behind the scenes during development and production. Essential reading for all TVR enthusiasts and sports car fans. First edition published in 1998 by Sutton Publishing in the Photographic History of Transport series.

Engels, hardcover, 2006, 192 pagina’s, John Tipler.

ISBN10: 1844252353.
ISBN13: 9781844252350.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1 kg
Afmetingen 25,00 × 18,00 × 2,00 cm