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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

TOY SOLDIERS Building and Refining a Collection


Artikelnummer: toy-soldiers-9780719842610 Categorie:


TOY SOLDIERS Building and Refining a Collection.

Toy soldiers have played a significant role in the history of toys since the days of ancient Egypt, reflecting real-world realities of the times in which they were produced. Written as a primer for toy soldier collectors, both new and experienced, as well as for those wishing to relive childhood memories, this highly illustrated volume conveys the reader from the early origins of toy soldiers to the so-called ‘golden age’ of the 1930s, then through the austerity of World War II and early post-war years to the plastic revolution of the 1960s. It moves on to look at the reintroduction of the traditional toy soldier in the 1980s and 90s and the emergence of the bespoke military miniature and commercial connoisseur ranges by the likes of King & Country, First Legion and similar makers, before ending with a brief examination of the future of the toy soldier. Brief histories of the major toy soldier makers both past and present are included, and most of their most prominent products are examined and evaluated in some detail. Useful hints on identifying and buying toy soldiers, as well as practical information on the storage and display of your toy soldier collection, how to start a collection and where to buy toy soldiers are also included in this meticulously researched work.

Engels, hardcover, 2023, 176 pagina’s, Simon Clark.

ISBN 9780719842610.

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Gewicht 1 kg