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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

the Porsche Book


Artikelnummer: the-porsche-book-9783832793777 Categorie:


The Porsche Book the best Porsche images by Frank M. Orel.

This turbo-charged book is an exciting thrill ride for all lovers of the Porsche experience. As you browse, you embark on a nostalgic, image-packed journey through the annals of high-performance motor engineering and design. The book’s dynamic layout and design capture every element of these ultimate rides–power, freedom and speed. Captivated from the first glance, you will keep coming back for more! After a while, the book becomes like your own personal road movie as the sights and sounds come to life. Revel in innovative images of all the most famous Porsches – shot in glamorous locales across the globe. SELLING POINTS: A must-have for all Porsche aficionados Experience the drama of a design and motor sports legend 200 colour photographs.

Gebruikt boek in goede en nette staat, voorzijde van boek wat lichte beschadigingen, achterzijde van cover heeft diverse beschadigingen opgelopen, binnen zijde van het boek is in zeer mooie staat.

Engels / Frans / Duits / Russian / Chinees, hardcover, 2012, 296 pagina’s, groot formaat boek.

ISBN 9783832793777.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 4 kg
Afmetingen 37,5 × 30 × 4 cm