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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

The Moto Guzzi Story


Artikelnummer: motoguzzi-9781844255054 Categorie:


The Moto Guzzi story, second edition.

Racing and Production motorcycles from 1921 to the present day.

Foreword by Umberto Todero: Moto Guzzi is one of Italy’s oldest and most legendary motorcycle marques. The height of its success came during the 1930s and 1950s, but it has survived under various changes of ownership. Today, Moto Guzzi’s remarkable story of survival continues and it is undergoing a renaissance, with an exciting range of motorcycles that sees the company once again in the limelight. This superbly produced all-colour second edition chronicles the full history of the company and its road and competition products, bringing the story up-to-date to include the raft of recent new models produced under the guidance of current owners Piaggio

Engelstalig, hardcover, 2008, 232 pagina’s, zwart-wit en kleuren fotografie, Ian Falloon.

ISBN 9781844255054.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,2 kg
Afmetingen 28,00 × 22,00 × 2,50 cm