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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

The Monza 1000 km 1965-2008

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €60,00.Huidige prijs is: €49,99.

Artikelnummer: the-monza-1000km-9788879116268 Categorieën: ,


The Monza 1000km 1965-2008.

Between 1965 and the Nineties, the 1000 Km of Monza-Filippo Caracciolo Trophy, was one of the most classical endurance races – a sort of 24 hours of Le Mans – and for many seasons was, rightfully, a round in the world championships for sports cars and prototypes. Top drivers and cars challenged each other on that historic Italian track and banking, the car makers including Porsche, Ferrari and Ford, bringing to life many unforgettable pages in the history of motor sport. Aldo Zana, prominent motor racing historian, tells this fabulous story, year after year, included the competitions held between 1995 and 2008. Every edition is enriched with starting grids and final placings. A huge work, never attempted since now, illustrated with outstanding pictures, many of them never before published.

Engels, hardcover,2016, 408 pagina’s, Aldo Zana.

ISBN 9788879116268.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 3 kg
Afmetingen 30 × 27 × 4 cm