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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

The London to Brighton Historic Commercial Vehicle Run 1996-2022


Artikelnummer: 9781398107564 Categorieën: ,


The London to Brighton Historic Commercial Vehicle Run: 1996-2022.

The London to Brighton Historic Commercial Vehicle run is one of the premier events in the calendar for preserved commercial vehicle owners and enthusiasts alike. First held in 1962, this annual event has continued to feature every year since. Until 2019 traditionally held on the first Sunday in May, vehicles travel from London the approximately 60 miles to Brighton where they line up on Marina Drive for judging and prizegiving in the afternoon. There is a rolling minimum age limit of twenty-one years, but vehicles may date back to the very origins of the internal combustion engine, while steam-powered traction engines and wagons are also included.

Malcolm Batten first visited Brighton for the run in 1971, and has been back every year it has been held since then. In this second book he features some of the highlights of the years from 1996 to the 60th anniversary run in 2022.

Engels, paperback, 2024, 96 pagina’s, Malcolm Batten. Amberley publishing.

ISBN 9781398107564.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,5 kg
Afmetingen 24 × 17 × 1 cm