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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

The Big Book of Car Culture


Artikelnummer: car-culture-9780760319659 Categorie:


The Big Book of Car Culture the armchair guide to Automotive Americana.

While countless books have been devoted to single roadside-culture and car-related subjects, none have addressed in one volume American pop culture’s love affair with the automobile. But what is that love affair, if not an expanse of fond memories and compelling kitsch as vast as the nation itself? This smorgasbord offers discriminating readers a tasty A-Z assortment of entries and accompanying images touching upon all the old chestnuts (Route 66, drive-in restaurants, filling stations, et al) as well as some edgier topics to appeal to younger generations interested in the seedier and/or more whimsical sides of roadside America (i.e, Earl Scheib, the Chicago entrepreneur who promised to paint any car for $99, or 1950s juvenile-delinquent hot rod films.

Engels, softcover, 2005, 320 pagina’s, Jim Hinkley, Jon G Robinson.

ISBN 9780760319659.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 21 × 2,5 cm