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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Ten Days in Sicily by Tony Adriaensens


Artikelnummer: 9789080119703 Categorie:


Ten days in Sicily by Tony Adriaensens and Brian Joscelyne.

Exceptional photographic volume based on the adventure of four young Englishmen went to Sicily in May 1966 to see the last real road race, the Targa Florio.
Four amateur photographers armed with Kodachrome slide film, famous for its quality with vivid colors, which have produced a collection of images that has been able to integrate Adriaensens and arrange to give life to this work unique character. The testimonies of the two passenger survivors photographers are intertwined with those of the great riders who have experienced stroke from starring to provide us with a complete picture of what happened in those ten days in Sicily magic that hosted the GP of Syracuse, the trophy Marathon and the Targa Florio.

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat.

Engels, hardcover, 2010, 391 pagina’s, Tony Adriaensens, Brian Joscelyne. Corsa Research.

ISBN 9789080119703.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1 kg
Afmetingen 23 × 25 × 3,5 cm