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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Simca 1000 Rallye


Artikelnummer: 9791028304140 Categorie:


Simca 1000 Rallye.

The Simca 1000 Rallye is one of the most popular French cars in history. The longevity of this parallelepiped placed on four thirteen-inch wheels, some of which still run forty-five years after leaving the Poissy factory, is unprecedented.

Anchored in the heart of several generations of drivers, this car has seen many variants, assembled in large series or built in a few examples on the initiative of authorized trainers. The 1000 Rallye was also the backbone of the Simca Racing Team (SRT), the most important racing team in Europe for a whole decade.

La Simca 1000 Rallye est l’une des autos Françaises les plus populaires de l’histoire. La 1000 Rallye est également le pivot du Simca Racing Team (SRT), la plus importante écurie automobile d’Europe durant une décennie entière.

Frans, hardcover, 2020, 160 pagina’s, Hugues Chaussin. Etai.

ISBN 9791028304140.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,3 kg
Afmetingen 30 × 25 × 2 cm