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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Range Rover Sport 2005-2013 The Complete Story


Artikelnummer: 9781785006593 Categorie:


Range Rover Sport 2005-2013 The Complete Story.

When the Range Rover Sport was launched in 2005, it was aimed at a new group of customers who in many cases would never have considered a Land Rover product before. These customers wanted and could afford a luxurious vehicle that was expensive to run; but they also wanted a very personalized vehicle that did not have the rather grand and conservative connotations of the full-size Range Rover. Brasher and more glamorous than its older sibling, the Sport was soon adopted by celebrities and others who expected to be noticed. Range Rover Sport – The Complete Story is the first book devoted specifically to the first-generation Range Rover Sport. It tells the story behind the development and launch of the vehicle; it explains the market reaction, including contemporary press reviews; provides details of each model with technical specification tables and colour and trip options; lists production figures and VIN identification and dating; details prices and sales figures for the UK, USA and Canada and finally, includes a useful chapter on buying and owning.

Engels, hardcover, 2019, 176 pagina’s, James Taylor.

ISBN 9781785006593.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 23 × 1,8 cm