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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Racing in the Rain Engineering Victories with Aston Martin, Ford GT40 and Porsche 917


Artikelnummer: 9781893618718 Categorieën: , ,


Racing in the Rain Engineering Victories with Aston Martin, Ford GT40 and Porsche 917.

Few can claim that their racing careers spanned the greatest decades in sports-car competition the 1960s and 1970s and then extended into the 1980s. Fewer still were consistently successful. John Horsman is one of the fortunate few. The blue-and-orange Gulf-sponsored Ford GT40s, Mirages, and Porsche 917s prepared by Horsman and his team are among the most famous race cars ever produced. The all-star driver lineup that competed in his cars includes Derek Bell, Mike Hailwood, David Hobbs, Jacky Ickx, Brian Redman, Pedro Rodriguez, Vern Schuppan, and Jo Siffert.

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat.

Engels, hardcover, 2006, 216 pagina’s, John Horsman.

ISBN 9781893618718.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,4 kg
Afmetingen 22 × 22 × 4 cm