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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Pure Alfa Romeo, Legend, Culture, Passion


Artikelnummer: pure-alfa-romeo-9788891814395 Categorie:


Pure Alfa Romeo, Legend, Culture, Passion.

Recognised for their sleek and sexy design, high performance, and innovative technology, Alfa Romeo cars have been admired for over a century. The famous exclamation by Henry Ford When I see an Alfa Romeo go by, I tip my hat! underlines the prestigious tradition and the legendary stories that make Alfa Romeo one of the major players in the automobile world. Beginning with the history of the Alfa Romeo company itself, this lavish book includes rare archival material, some published here for the first time, along with historical posters and advertisements for Alfa Romeo, many of which were designed by famous artists and illustrators. Alfa Romeo was one of the first brands to be collected by vintage car fans and even today its models are highly renowned. The latter half of the book features an overview of eighty models belonging to private collections, from 1910 to the present day. An impressive selection of vintage photographs is accompanied by brief, informative texts that focus on the chief characteristics of each of the vehicles illustrated. Featuring a preface by Mario Andretti, this book is essential for any rare automobile aficionado.

Engels, hardcover, 2017, 216 pagina’s. Stefano D’Amico.

ISBN 9788891814395.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5 kg
Afmetingen 30 × 26,5 × 2 cm