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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Pedal Cars Chasing the Kidillac


Artikelnummer: pedal-cars-9780764308369 Categorieën: ,


Pedal Cars Chasing the Kidillac. Trapauto’s.

A fantastic presentation of history and culture, of designers and automobiles. The author has explored family history and far beyond to explain how pedal cars were made, and why they ultimately lost favor in the marketplace. Workers who actually made the cars provide information that counts for collectors. Charming oral histories from the men and women who made hubcaps and welded little bodies come to life in photos and illustrations from the factories to the showroom floor. See hundreds of cars that are lovingly collected in all stages of repair, from rusty frames and rotting wheels to gleaming chrome and custom paint. It is the first compilation of photos and facts put together to tell a story about where the toys were made and how they continue to give joy to collectors, in addition to up-to-date pricing information.

Engels, hardcover, 1999, 208 pagina’s, Jane Dwyre Garton.

ISBN 076430836X.

EAN 9780764308369.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,4 kg
Afmetingen 29 × 23 × 2,3 cm