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Frenky Autodokumentatie

Official Ferrari Yearbook 2003


Artikelnummer: officialferrariyearbook2003 Categorie:


Official ferrari Yearbook 2003.


The 2003 Ferrari Year Book is packed with the excitement and wins of an exceptional Formula 1 season, with the F2003-GA dedicated to Giovanni Agnelli,  which led to the Scuderia Ferrari winning the Constructor’s World title and the Driver’s World Championship title with Michael Schumacher. 

The volume is written in Italian and English and a place of honour is reserved for the 612 Scaglietti, the 12 cylinder model presented at the Motor Show in Detroit in January 2004.


Sealed in plastic, New!

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,2000 kg
Afmetingen 33,00 × 25,00 × 2,50 cm