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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Nissan GT-R The Iconic Journey from R32 to R35


Artikelnummer: 9798876374332 Categorie:


Nissan GT-R The Iconic Journey from R32 to R35.

“Nissan GT-R: The Iconic Journey from R32 to R35” chronicles the remarkable evolution of the GT-R series. Dive deep into the legacy of the R32, a vehicle that revolutionized the sports car genre with its debut in 1989. Witness the progression through the R33 and R34, models that combined technological advancements with raw power, culminating in the R35 – a supercar that challenges the conventions of what a sports car can be.

This book is not just a testament to automotive engineering; it is a story of continuous innovation, racing triumphs, and a relentless pursuit of perfection. Packed with detailed profiles of each model, insights from key figures in the GT-R’s development, and vivid photography capturing the essence of these legendary vehicles, this book is an essential addition to the library of any automotive enthusiast.

Join us on this thrilling journey and discover why the Nissan GT-R isn’t just a car – it’s a phenomenon that continues to redefine the boundaries of speed and design.

Engels, paperback, 2024, 75 pagina’s, Etienne Psaila.

ISBN 9798876374332.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,3 kg
Afmetingen 28 × 22 × 0,7 cm