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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

MV Agusta From 1945 To The Present


Artikelnummer: 9788879116176 Categorie:


MV Agusta From 1945 To The Present.

A completely new edition in graphics and updated in content of the MV Agusta story by Mario Colombo and Roberto Patrignani to mark MV’s 70th anniversary in 2015, all told in two different sections: in the first part are the human, technical, industrial and sports stories. In the second is the systematic cataloguing of all the MV Agusta road and racing models, including all the versions of the latest F4 and F3. Hundreds of pictures in black and white and colour enrich the book, in the creation of which Massimo Chierici has contributed to the most recent part.

Engels, hardcover, 2015, 360 pagina’s, 600 illustraties, Massimo Chierici, Mario Colombo, Roberto Patrignani. Giorgio Nada editore.

ISBN 9788879116176.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 27 × 3,5 cm