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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Motore Ferrari Maranello


Artikelnummer: motore-ferrari-maranello-9788890494666 Categorie:


Motore Ferrari Maranello.

A new book from the author of FERRARI UNIVERSE released in 2010, which has enjoyed so much success at Red lovers and not only.
Still lots of interesting news and trivia from the racing world written with pace who for 33 years has worked at Ferrari Maranello before the Secretariat of Enzo Ferrari, the racing Department closely of ing. Mauro Forghieri, and has kept its engaging passion. But not only.

The raccontini, as the same author defines them, constitute the second part of the book.
Scattered thoughts collected in the course of a life whose essential topics include: nature, love, work, sport, cosmo, existence, offered not in the chronological order in which they were written (n) topic but when overlooking the cosmic chaos theory which Peter Dahlan believer, devoted specifically to women.

Italiaans, paperback, 2012, 142 pagina’s, Pietro de Franchi.

ISBN 9788890494666.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,4 kg
Afmetingen 22 × 14 × 1 cm