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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie



Artikelnummer: MGF-9781847972026 Categorie:



In the wake of the demise of the MG Midget and MGB, there seemed little prospect for the MG badge beyond being used as a kind of ‘GT’ badge for various Austins and Rovers. However, thanks to the determination of a few people and an enduring affection in public hearts the tale has had a happier ending. This is the story of that journey from desolation to rebirth, just like the phoenix from which the project that created the MGF took its name.

With a deeply researched text, detailed specifications and other data, and over 300 illustration, mostly in full colour, this book by renowned motoring author and MG expert David Knowles will be a vital addition to the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in modern British sports cars.

English, hardcover, 2010, 208 pagina’s, David Knowles.

ISBN 9781847972026.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,8000 kg
Afmetingen 26,00 × 21,00 × 2,00 cm