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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

MGB Including MGC and MGB GT V8


Artikelnummer: 9781901432251 Categorie:


MGB Including MGC and MGB GT V8.

This fascinating story of the MGB covers its development as a replacement for the MGA. The author includes the designers and engineers who worked on the project; the early production cars; the evolution of the model and the introduction of the MGC and MGB GT versions; competition and works cars; sales and promotion; and the MGB industry today. Vivid illustrations include a gallery of specially commissioned color photographs, official archive material, cutaway drawings, and photographs provided by ex-MG employees.

Gebruikt boek in goede en nette staat.

Engels, hardcover, 2000, 192 pagina’s, David Knowles.

ISBN 1901432254.

EAN 9781901432251.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5 kg
Afmetingen 26 × 26 × 2,5 cm