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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

MG V8 Twenty-One Years on …from Introduction to RV8


Artikelnummer: mg-v8-twenty-one-years-on-9781872004891 Categorie:


MG V8 Twenty-One Years on …from Introduction to RV8.

MG V8 tells in unprecedented detail the stories of some of the most powerful and exciting cars ever to wear the evocative MG octagon badge. Topics covered include: The story of each MG V8 model, from concept to development and production; Detailed information tables of notable cars and their chassis numbers for each model, plus special editions and color charts; Interviews with the original MG V8 design and engineering teams; Background on development and testing work on each model; Rare input and insight from many of the outside suppliers and specialists who helped develop the cars; Information on sales and servicing literature, production changes, product placement, celebrity stories and much more. Illustrated with 400 pictures, including concept cars, design sketches and specially commissioned photography.

Gebruikt boek in goede en nette staat.

Engels, hardcover, 1994, 130 pagina’s, David Knowles.

ISBN 187200489X.

EAN 9781872004891.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,9 kg
Afmetingen 31 × 22 × 1,9 cm