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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

MGF and MGTF Restoration Manual


Artikelnummer: mgtf-9781847974006 Categorie:


MG F and TF Restoration Manual.

“MGF and MGTF Restoration Manual” provides the MG F or TF owner with a complete workshop guide to mechanical and body restoration for the cars. With the MGF in production between 1995 and 2001, and the MG TF until 2011, many of the cars have survived in a structurally and mechanically sound state, without the huge costs and complications of needing a complete body restoration that is so often the case with pre-1980 MGs.

Engels, hardcover, 2020, 302 pagina’s, full colour, Roger Parker.

ISBN 9781847974006.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5000 kg
Afmetingen 30,00 × 22,00 × 3,00 cm