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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Mercedes Sport


Artikelnummer: mercedes-sport-9783833154904 Categorieën: ,


Mercedes Sport.

Mercedes Benz and racing: since the earliest days of motor sports, these have been two sides of the same coin. From the era of the pioneers and trailblazers of 1901 to 1933, through the development of the legendary Silver Arrow and its renaissance in the 1950s, to the return of the legend from 1984 onwards and the triumphs of Mika “The Flying Finn” Hakkinen in the late 1990s, Hartmut Lehbrink’s captivating writing traces the unique racing history of Mercedes Benz. Lehbrink’s texts and Rainer Schlegelmilch’s superb photographs complement each other ingeniously. This latest collaboration between two unqualified motor sports experts provides a comprehensive overview of the long series of Mercedes-Benz racing car models, including technical specifications. In a unique way, it interweaves the company’s major sporting successes with the stories of the inventors and automobile designers and, last but not least, the giants in the sport of racing.

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat.

Engels / Duits / Frans, softcover, 2009, 400 pagina’s, Rainer W. Schlegelmilch, Hartmut Lehbrink.

ISBN 9783833154904.


Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,6 kg
Afmetingen 26 × 23 × 2,5 cm