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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG


Artikelnummer: mercedes-benz-sls-amg-9783768833707 Categorie:


Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG.

Wings Spread, They Take Flight, Carry the Drivers Away, Powerful, Weightless, the Rumble of Eight Cylinders Make the Road Vibrate, a Dream Begins.

The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Gullwing set new standards in the sports car market in 2009, and increased the standing of the Mercedes-AMG brand thanks to its charisma. Two years after the commercial launching of the contemporary legend, the roadster was added to the fascination SLS AMG cosmos. With the coupé, roadster, GT3, and e-cell, AMG has succeeded in creating a quartet of dream machines.

Engels, hardcover, 2011, 2nd edition, 160 pagina’s, groot formaat boek.

ISBN 9783768833707.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 37 × 2,5 cm