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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Mercedes-Benz Saloon Coupé The Complete Story


Artikelnummer: 9781785009334 Categorie:


Mercedes-Benz Saloon Coupé The Complete Story.

First produced in 1928, Mercedes-Benz Coupes became the embodiment of elegance and exclusivity on four wheels. Their design became an experience for all the senses, appealing to every emotion. Hans-Dieter Futschik, the designer responsible for many of the later Mercedes-Benz models, said of the Saloon Coupe: ‘A shorter wheelbase compared with the saloons gives it different proportions that are almost sports car-like in character. The passenger compartment is set further back. This gives it a sportier look than a saloon. In addition, the greenhouse is smaller and more streamlined than the basic body. It looks like a small head set on a muscular body, exuding a powerful and more dynamic attitude… Everything radiates power, elegance and agility.’ This complete guide includes an overview of early automotive history; pre-merger design from both Benz and Daimler; the historical protagonists and how they influenced the design; how design and fashion change vehicle shape; the continued development of Saloon Coupe design to suit every class and finally, the modern idea of the Coupe.

Engels, hardcover, 2021, 192 pagina’s, Nik Greene. Crowood press.

ISBN 9781785009334.


Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,0 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 2,3 cm