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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Mercedes-Benz G-Klasse Der Off-Road Klassiker mit Stern


Artikelnummer: 9783958438682 Categorie:


Mercedes-Benz G-Klasse Der Off-Road Klassiker mit Stern

The legendary Mercedes off-roader turned 40 in 2019. For the occasion, G-Class expert Jörg Sand renewed, integrated and updated the ‘bible’ of the G-Class, just like the car itself, presenting the complete history of this off-road vehicle, a classic of its kind, which many appreciate for its indestructible qualities. The revised monograph is dedicated to the history of the development of the Mercedes-Benz G-Class and traces the 40-year success story of this off-road vehicle up to the current versions. A splendid book with high quality photographic material, with 300 illustrations and a complete overview of the technical data. Reference volume and illustrated book at the same time.

Duits, hardcover, 2018, 208 pagina’s, Jörg Sand.

ISBN 9783958438682.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,7 kg
Afmetingen 29 × 25 × 2,2 cm