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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Mazda MX5 the complete story


Artikelnummer: mazda-9781847974969 Categorie:


Mazda MX5 the complete story.

At over 900,000 cars produced – and counting – the Mazda MX-5 holds the Guinness World Record as the best-selling two-seater sports car ever produced. And while mere numbers should not be the only barometer of success, it has taken a car of the MX-5’s talent to capture the imagination of both enthusiasts and the general motoring public alike.

Mazda MX-5 – The Complete Story examines the design, development and production of this innovative sports car.

Details the engine and drivetrain technology that gave the MX-5 its sharp handling and performance

Chronicles the stories of the engineers and designers behind the MX-5’s success

Looks at the closest contemporary rivals to the car, and why the MX-5 was far and away the most successful

Covers all special editions and the racing story

Includes a detailed buyer’s guide for each generation, specification tables and owners’ experiences.

Engels, hardcover, 2013, 176 pagina’s, 200 kleurenfoto’s, Antony Ingram.

ISBN 9781847974969.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5000 kg
Afmetingen 27,00 × 22,00 × 2,00 cm