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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Les Gordini


Artikelnummer: les-gordini-robert-jarraud Categorie:


Les Gordini by Robert Jarraud and Jean Reus.

Robert Jarraud describes the history of the famous Gordini racing cars with the help of several documents, drawings, pictures and a detailed account of the sporting results. In the large final part – Annexes – a list of the cars, a catalogue of Gordini’s creations, technical characteristics of the models, a list of engines and their specifications. In the middle, a splendid album of 15 full-page colour tables by Jean Reus. 352 pages with numerous b/w and colour photos, drawings and technical sketches. A collection of watercolours, always by Jean Reus, completes this very attractive and comprehensive work.

Gebruikt boek in gelezen en goede staat, oud boek maar goed en netjes.

Frans, hardcover, 1983, 352 pagina’s, Robert Jarraud, Jean Reus. Editions de l’automobiliste.


Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,2 kg
Afmetingen 29 × 23 × 4,3 cm