L’Auto Storica dal Cuore alla Pelle. Note per un restauro consapevole. The Historic Car from Heart to Skin – Notes for a conscious restoration.
In line with the principles set out in the Turin Charter, The Historic Car from Heart to Skin aims to provide restorers with general historical references regarding the technique, manufacturing methods and aesthetic canons existing at the time the vehicle was conceived and manufactured, focusing on the large production car with a petrol engine. After a brief introduction on the attempts made in the years preceding the birth of the automobile, the book describes the main stages of its technical evolution and manufacturing methods, also because the older ones are very similar to those that the modern restorer needs to know in order to carry out his work. The book is completed with a description of the evolution of styling, which, although profoundly linked to previous aspects, has proved to be a driving force behind the popularity of the car, so much so that it is often the main motivation for buying one. The authors hope that the possibility of finding this synthesis in a single book may be useful to future restorers and may also stimulate all enthusiasts of this particular sector to read it.
Italiaans, paperback, 2024, 300 pagina’s, Lorenzo Morello, Massimo Marello. ASI Service.
ISBN 9791281646001.