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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Land Rover Series 1 Restoration Manual


Artikelnummer: 9780719840586 Categorie:


Land Rover Series 1 Restoration Manual.

Land Rover Series I Restoration Manual has been written with the home restorer in mind and the aim of providing knowledge, confidence and the technical details required for a full restoration. The book follows a 1957 Series I 109in, but also discusses how the other Series I models differ. Each task is broken down into step-by-step instructions with accompanying photographs, from minor repair and maintenance procedures to a thorough inspection and refurbishment of the engine’s core components. There are additional tips on how to keep restoration costs under control and what it takes to make a concours winner stand out from the pack. Superbly illustrated with over 830 colour photographs.

Engels, hardcover, 2022, 208 pagina’s, Theo Ford-Sagers, Benjamin Stowe.

ISBN 9780719840586.


Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,2 kg
Afmetingen 31 × 22 × 1,8 cm