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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Lancia 037


Artikelnummer: lancia-037-9781787111288 Categorie:


Lancia 037 – the development & rally history of a World Champion


Gehele ontwikkeling en rally history van een van de meest legendarische rally auto’s uit lancia’s geschiedenis.

Technische specificaties, tabellen met overwinningen-rally uitslagen.

Tevens voorzien van nooit eerder gepubliceerde foto’s uit prive archief Sergio Limone.


In the late 1970s, the problem facing any manufacturer taking part in the World Rally Championship was that the rules kept being changed at short notice. This book looks at the solutions found for Lancia’s rally car, the 037, and takes the reader through the new rules that all potential contenders would have to consider if they wanted to win rallies at World Championship level.Lancia’s Rally was developed quickly to deal with the then-dominant Audi Quattro. The reasons it succeeded are featured here, along with an in-depth, behind-closed-doors look at the development of the car, with the close help and cooperation of its designer and chief engineer, Ing. Sergio Limone.Here you can read how he decided on the basic configuration of the car, what the rules would allow, and how the project unfolded in total secret at Fiat’s various test tracks and centres in and around Turin, overlaid with rumour and counter-rumour as the world’s motoring press tried to make sense of what little knowledge it had of the project’s progress. In addition, Ing. Limone’s own photographs from areas never accessed by the public tell their own story. The focus then moves to the world of top-level rallying, with all the associated glory and headaches. Accompanied by stunning photography and insights from team members, we follow the small and nimble 037s, as the cars have become popularly known, as they head out to take the World Rally Championship for Makes in 1983 and innumerable wins throughout the world. In addition, there are tests of various key examples of the cars, and appendices of events and chassis used. This book is illustrated with 250 stunning and rare rally action photos.


Engelstalig, hardcover, 221 pagina’s, 2017, Peter Collins.

ISBN 9781787111288.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5000 kg
Afmetingen 25,00 × 25,00 × 2,50 cm