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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Lambretta TV/LI Scooterlinea / Series 3 storia, modelli e documenti – history, models and documentation


Artikelnummer: lambretta-tv-li-series-3-9788879117463 Categorieën: ,


Lambretta TV/LI Scooterlinea / Series 3  storia, modelli e documenti – history, models and documentation.

A book dedicated to a true milestone in the history of the Innocenti scooter: “Scooterlinea 1962”, a thoroughly revised Lambretta that was a protagonist on the worldwide scooter scene of the Sixties. Technically known as the “Series III”, the new Lambretta was launched late in 1961, initially with the two 125 and 150 cc displacements, later joined by the 175 TV in the spring of 1962.
The third title in the series dedicated to the most important Lambrettas (which include the ‘Lambretta Lui’ and the ‘Lambretta TV/LI Series I’), celebrates a model characterised by sleek and aggressive bodywork and equipped with a front disc brake and an extremely high level of fittings and finish. Written by Vittorio Tessera, the leading Lambretta historian, the book reviews the complete industrial, technical and social history of the Scooterlinea, drawing on hundreds of previously unpublished contemporary photos in black and white and colour.

Engels / Italiaans, paperback, 2019, 120 pagina’s, Vittorio Tessera.

ISBN 9788879117463.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,8 kg
Afmetingen 25 × 25 × 1 cm