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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

La Passione Alfa 6C 2300 – 6C 2500, 1934-1953


Artikelnummer: 9783000631849 Categorie:


La Passione Alfa 6C 2300 – 6C 2500, 1934-1953.

This full-color book documents the interesting and detailed history of Alfa Romeo 6C 2300 – 6C 2500 models and their coachbuilders, with focus on presenting vehicles located in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The author was able to discover vehicles of this series, that were previously unknown to the public, in German private collections and museums, and present them in magnificent pictures.

The author, H.-Jürgen Döhren, is a well-known Alfa Romeo expert and has already contributed to several Alfa Romeo publications, for example his famous compendium “Millenove” about the Alfa Romeo 1900 series. He is a committed member of the German Alfa Romeo scene since 30 years, and he restores rare Alfa Romeo models in his garage and maintains an extensive archive on his hobby. This full-color book documents the interesting and detailed history of Alfa Romeo 6C 2300 – 6C 2500 models and their coachbuilders, with focus on presenting vehicles located in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The author was able to discover vehicles of this series, that were previously unknown to the public, in German private collections and museums, and present them in magnificent pictures.

Engels / Duits, hardcover, 2019, 360 pagina’s, 550 illustraties, H. Jurgen Dohren. Alfapoint.

ISBN 9783000631849.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,6 kg
Afmetingen 25 × 30 × 3,5 cm