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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Jaguar E-Type British Motoring Masterpiece, carcraft 3


Artikelnummer: 9781526756848 Categorie:


Car Craft 3, Jaguar E-Type British Mooring Masterpiece.

The third book in the new CarCraft series, Jaguar E-Type, frames the legend of what many call the world’s most beautiful car design. Sir William Lyons and Malcolm Sayer carved automotive history with this car across its 1960s-1970s incarnations from roadster to coupĂ© amid the fitting of Straight-Six, to V12 engines.

With its new definition of sculptural styling, performance, handling and innovative style, the E-Type or XKE series in the USA, created a car of global impact that remains a great classic of all time.

Here, experienced automotive writer, and industrial designer, Lance Cole pays tribute to the car in a detailed yet engaging commentary. New photography, the design story, and full coverage of the modelling options in synthetic materials and die cast metals, create a narrative of vital interest.

Engels, paperback, 2020, 64 pagina’s, 200 illustraties, Lance Cole.

ISBN-10; 1526756846.

ISBN 9781526756848.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,5 kg
Afmetingen 30 × 21 × 0,6 cm