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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Form Follows Function the Art of the Supercar


Artikelnummer: form-follows-function-9780760341162 Categorie:


Form Follows Function, the Art of the Supercar.

If automobiles can be works of art, then the supercar would represent the state of the art in its time. In the post-war period, manufacturers such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, BMW, Porsche, and Bugatti have used the supercar not merely to push the envelope but to rip it open, in the process redefining high performance and manipulating form and function into cars of stunning beauty and legendary ability. In Form Follows Function: The Art of the Supercar, award-winning photographer James Mann brings twenty-one of the world`s most beautiful and desirable supercars into the studio, revealing each machine as a work of art, born from the imaginations of some of the world`s greatest designers. With historical and technical profiles by award-winning author Stuart Codling and commentary from automotive designer Frank Stephenson, Form Follows Function: The Art of the Supercar is a must-have for any automotive enthusiast`s library.

Boek is in zeer goede en nette staat.
Engels, hardcover, 2011, 224 pagina’s, Stuart Codling.

ISBN 9780760341162.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,9 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 32 × 3 cm