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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Fiat 500 Topolino le vetture che hanno fatto la storia


Artikelnummer: 9788879114516 Categorie:


Fiat 500 Topolino. Le vetture che hanno fatto la storia.

Sometimes it could happen that a car transforms itself into a symbol so much so that its official denomination is substituted by a name created and enthusiastically adopted by the general public. And that is what happened with the extraordinary Fiat 500, known to one and all as the Topolino. This book exhaustively covers the life of this historic little car in all its versions, first of all by an interview with the person who can be considered its “father”, engineer Dante Giacosa, and ends with a detailed description of the original colours of the bodies and their corresponding trim. The ample selection of illustrations is of completely original material of the period, as well as patient and valuable research among the specialised press of the day. Ten examples, all owned by collectors, were photographed for the colour section of the book, together with two of the best covers which, at the time, Auto Italiana devoted to the Topolino.

Italiaans, softcover, 2008, 144 pagina’s, Marco Bossi.

ISBN 9788879114516.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 25 × 1,5 cm