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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Fiat 500 le vetture che hanno fatto la storia


Artikelnummer: 9788879113564 Categorie:


Fiat 500.

The Fiat 500 is, perhaps, the car that marked an epoch more than any other. Five million examples were built between the time the car was introduced back in 1957 and 1975, when Turin decided to end its production. This book tells the story of the extraordinary little Fiat, analysing its industrial, technical and commercial aspects. Production numbers, detailed technical specifications, chassis numbers, cut-away illustrations of its mechanics and body, period pictures in colour and black and white bring the 500 back to life model by model, providing a useful support for the car’s correct restoration.

Italiaans, softcover, 2008, 144 pagina’s, Deganello Elvio.

ISBN 9788879113564.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 25 × 1,5 cm