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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Ferrari’s World Champions the cars that beat the world


Artikelnummer: ferraris-world-champions-9788879114677 Categorieën: ,


Ferrari’s World Champions the cars that beat the world.

Nineteen Formula 1 Drivers’ and Constructors’ World Championship titles from 1952 to the present day and a further fourteen sports car World Championships. Few car manufacturers can boast a roll of honour as rich as that of Ferrari, a protagonist on road and track throughout the world for over half a century. The sporting history of the Maranello marque recounted through its championship-winning cars, illustrated with hundreds of previously unpublished colour and black and white photos and accompanied by a brief but authoritative text.

Engels, hardcover, 2009, 112 pagina’s, Enrico Mapelli.

ISBN 9788879114677.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,9 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 25 × 1,6 cm