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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Ferrari 250 GTO


Artikelnummer: ferrari-9781844255467 Categorie:


Ferrari 250 GTO the history of a legend.


The Ferrari 250 GTO is one of the most successful and highly regarded cars ever produced. Built purely for racing, the 250 GTO dominated the Grand Touring racing category in the period 1962-64 and raced in all of the world’s sports car classics, including Le Mans. Ferrari built just 40 production cars, and almost all were raced. Because of its sheer beauty, its immensely successful track record and the relatively small number of cars built, the 250 GTO is among the world’s most valuable cars and examples now change hands for sums in excess of GBP5 million. This lavishly produced book provides a definitive history of the iconic 250 GTO, including individual histories of each car built.


English, hardcover, 352 page’s, 2010.

ISBN 978184425467.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1000 kg
Afmetingen 29,00 × 24,00 × 3,50 cm