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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Factory-Original MG T-Series, The originality guide to MG, TA, TB, TC, TD & TF including special bodies


Artikelnummer: factory-original-mg-t-series-9781906133801 Categorie:


Factory-Original MG T-Series : The originality guide to MG, TA, TB, TC, TD & TF including special bodies.

A detailed guide, in words and pictures, to correct factory specification and equipment of all models of the MG T-Series cars, from TA to TF1500, including the TA Tickford drophead coupé. However, for this book the cars featured have been photographed in considerably greater detail, providing more evidence of what is original and what is not in almost all respects. Body and exterior trim, chassis, interior furnishings and trim, dashboard, instruments and controls, lighting and electrics, brakes, steering and suspension, weather equipment, engine and transmission, paint and trim colours, options and tuning packages – all are covered, right down to the toolkit.

Engels, hardcover, 2019, 160 pagina’s, Anders Ditlev Clausager.

ISBN 9781906133801.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,2 kg
Afmetingen 26 × 26,5 × 1,8 cm