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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Delage Styling and Design


Artikelnummer: delage-styling-and-design-1854432044 Categorie:


Delage Styling and Design.


This beautiful publication, rich in color photographs of one of the most beautiful and elegant French cars ever built.

A must-have for all fans of the brand and of the elaborate bodybuilders: Chapron, Kia, De Villars, Figoni Falaschi,

Fernandez & & Darrin, Guillore, Franay, Letourneur & Marchand.

The appendix contains tables with sports scores and technical characteristics.


Engels talig, hardcover, 2005, 136 pages, Richard S Adetto and Diana E Meredith.

ISBN 1854432044.


Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,2500 kg
Afmetingen 30,00 × 24,00 × 2,50 cm