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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Dalle auto Bianchi alle Autobianchi


Artikelnummer: dalle-auto-bianchi-alle-autobianchi-9788898344079 Categorie:


Dalle auto Bianchi alle Autobianchi.

Engineer Sandro Colombo tells the story of the Autobianchi cars with a full description and a rich collection of images and documents for the most part never published before. A book that eliminates a gap in the history of national motoring, thanks to the work of the author who, with his usual simplicity and experience, was able to represent the history of a great house in which he had the opportunity to work.

Italiaans, hardcover, 2013, 222 pagina’s, Sandro Colombo.

ISBN 9788898344079.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,4000 kg
Afmetingen 29,00 × 24,50 × 2,50 cm