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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Concept Cars of the 1960s Yesterday’s Future


Artikelnummer: concept-cars-of-the-60s-9781913089344 Categorie:


Concept Cars of the 1960s Yesterday’s Future.

Concept cars are meant to break moulds and explore new ideas; to forecast or establish trends. They afford designers the opportunity to let rip; to use their imaginations and envisage the sort of vehicle that we will be driving in years – perhaps decades – to come. The fact is that some concept cars are displayed at an event and never seen again, while others cross continents and become media darlings, only to be placed in storage – or worse – once they are no longer of use. The 1960s witnessed the emergence of countless memorable showstoppers, and this book presents a year-by-year rundown of the most memorable concept cars of the 1960s with several obscurities thrown in for good measure. Some have long since earned legendary status, foretelling the future, while others fell a long way short. Here is fascinating glimpse into how the future of motoring looked in the 1960s, from the sublime to the frankly ridiculous.

Engels, hardcover, 2022, 240 pagina’s, Richard Heseltine.

ISBN 9781913089344.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1 kg
Afmetingen 32 × 28 × 2,7 cm