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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Coachwork on vintage Bentleys


Artikelnummer: bentley-0954998111 Categorie:


Coachwork on vintage Bentley, 3 Litre, 4½ Litre, 6½ Litre, Speed Six & 8 Litre, 1921-1931.


The story of Bentley coachwork during the 1920s and up to 1931,

told with over 200 contemporary black-and-white illustrations and 60 specially-commissioned colour photographs.


All car enthusiasts know, or think they know, what a vintage Bentley should look like. It should have a four-seater tourer body, and should be painted British Racing Green. But Bentleys weren’t always like that. When these cars were new, other types of body by many different coachbuilders – saloons, limousines, fixed-head coupes, landaulets, cabriolets, drophead coupes, sedancas de ville – outnumbered the tourers and sports models. This book uses over 200 contemporary black-and-white illustrations and some 50 specially shot colour photographs to tell the story of Bentley coachwork during the 1920s, and up to 1931 when the company went into receivership. Each of the three classes of coachwork – saloons and limousines, drophead coupes, and tourers – is traced through that exciting decade.


English, hardcover, 160 pages, 2005.

ISBN 0954998111.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,2500 kg
Afmetingen 28,00 × 22,00 × 2,50 cm