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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Cars we Loved in the 1980s


Artikelnummer: cars-we-loved-in-the-1980s-9780750958455 Categorie:


Cars we Loved in the 1980s.

It was brash and it was loud – the 1980s put paid to the glumness of the ’70s and nowhere was that more obvious than in the cars we drove, which took a quantum leap in durability, performance, equipment and style. They had to: Japanese quality and European design were luring away ever more customers. Features such as fuel injection, turbochargers, computer-controlled systems and four-wheel drive became commonplace. This was also the decade that brought us the people-carrier and the off-roader, new classes of car that radically reshaped family transport. Meanwhile, seatbelt-wearing became law, the M25 opened, speed cameras appeared and ram-raiding was the new motoring nemesis. Relive everything car-related in Britain in the 1980s with Giles Chapman.

Engels, paperback, 2014-2017-2021, 160 pagina’s, 150 illustraties, Gilles Chapman.

ISBN 9780750958455.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,3 kg
Afmetingen 15 × 18 × 1 cm