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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Camion Lancia


Artikelnummer: Camion-Lancia-2006 Categorie:


Camion Lancia.

From the years ‘ 70 to ‘ 10, changes that have affected technique, form and use of the truck have never left indifferent the spear. Reconstruct the history of trucks Launches work difficult. Even after the second world war, when States overwhelmingly mass production, Launches a vehicle produced in many versions (of the “519 Esagamma”, produced in 322 specimens, there were 336 possible variants), constantly improved, perhaps significantly transformed by fitters. Many were the prototypes, one-offs, small series, the variants introduced during production. The technical data given in the text and tables, as well as production volumes, are as much as possible, taken from official sources.

Italiaans, hardcover, 2e edizione 2006, 150 pagina’s, Massimo Condolo, Edizione Negri.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,4000 kg
Afmetingen 29,00 × 25,00 × 3,00 cm