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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

BMW R90s


Artikelnummer: bmw-r90s-9781884313943 Categorie:


BMW R90s. Motorcycle Collector Series.

Although in production for only three years, the R90S was the most significant post-war production BMW motorcycle. This comprehensive book tells the story of this important bike and how it evolved noting all significant changes from year to year. Beautifully laid out with big full-color pictures, the book could stand alone as a coffee table book. But it’s much more than that. Falloon writes with enough detail to make restoring these great bikes much easier, and also includes a chapter on how to live with an R90S, using them as reliable daily commuters, making popular upgrades, and what to look for if you are in the market for one. With outstanding looks and high-quality equipment, the R90S has justifiably garnered a devoted following of motorcycle enthusiasts who will want to own this definitive book.

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat.

Engels, softcover, 2006-2014, 128 pagina’s, Ian Falloon.

ISBN 9781884313943.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,6 kg
Afmetingen 26 × 22 × 1 cm