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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

BMW Motorcycles of the Century Guide to models 1923-2000


Artikelnummer: bmw-motorcycles-1923-2000-9788857219547 Categorie:


BMW Motorbikes of the Century: Guide to models 1923-2000.

A reference book written by collectors for collectors. An essential guide to estimate and buy vintage motorbikes from this prestigious international brand. Ninety years after the first BMW, the R32, was created in 1923, this magnificent volume serves as a unique source of reference for all collectors and enthusiasts of vintage BMW motorbikes. With precise images and technical information on every single model produced between 1923 and 2000, this book provides precious advice and suggestions, as well as in-depth analysis of the motorbikes’ characteristics. For the first time, all the specific details are gathered in a single publication: chassis, motor numbers, and engines of every model, economic values, and original auto parts. This accurate and practical guide is accompanied by a historic overview of the Bayerische Motoren Werke, from its origins in 1917 to the present day.

Engels, hardcover, 2014, 272 pagina’s,

ISBN10; 8857219542.
ISBN13; 9788857219547.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,9 kg
Afmetingen 28 × 24 × 3 cm